Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love Hate Relationships....

I have a love hate relationship with those super organised woman out there...I used to work with a lady that would Dymo label you if you stood still too long. Believe it or not this lady actually Dymo labeled the photocopier..."Photocopier". BUT in saying that if you asked her for something it was in your hot little hands before you blinked! SOOOO I am a Stumbler and stumbled upon this the other day and I got all excited and nervious at the same time because I loved what I saw and then feared the logistics of keeping it that way for any length of time. I just got myself a new sewing desk and felt so liberated and free, the space was refreshing and then I found the desk was a bit just seemed to be gathering S*#t before my eyes! I cut some fabric..the remant remained, I cut some ribbon...the roll remained...and so on until now it feels like I am working on a card table and not a 2m x 1.8m corner desk! Chaos = Creativity but Mess = I have to clean up, and that takes time, and THAT = FRUSTRATION....I need to learn how to work neatly but still keep my creative flare that comes with grabbing this and that off a cluttered and crazy desk!
Anyway much to do about nothing really, but more to share this link of some really great organising fav...actually two faves...the jars with the lids screwed under the shelf and the plastic basket with the ribbons in it!
Mrs Woo xxx

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Good Crafternoon

Actually it is crafter-evening, but I am brewing and bubbling up the idea of having a once a month 'crafternoon' here. I have a wod of patterns and a stack of enthusiams but am lacking in buckets of time and motivation! I am unsure exactly how to run it and where...should I charge and if so how much? I want to lend my 'untrained' self to others for the sharing sake of it and for the teapot tipping and biscuit dunking fun that comes with unbridled b*tching and nattering about much to do about nothing!
I would like to use my own patterns and patterns I have purchased to help someone make something they have dreamed of creating but have never taken that step forward due to fear of failure, lack of skill/inspiration/motivation etc.
I don;t think there is anything to be scared of, I am untrained and when I sew with my highly skilled friend I feel free...I do not know how you are 'meant' to do it and have bunny hopped and pig rooted my way through my sewing life disregarding the 'rules' and for this reason I have no boundaries that stop me from trying out new things. My highly skilled friend, lets call her... 'Jo' because that's her name...measures 50 times before cutting once, while I cut once, swear, throw something, breath in - breath out and then find a solution to my misake, which can ends in a pretty cool 'unique' creation. I do try to stretch the ropes and stand outside the boxing ring that everyone puts themselves in. They all stand in there and fight over who is copying who, when really they are all doing exactly the same thing as they are using the exact same pattern! It is a "who came first, the chicken or the egg" situation. Don't get me wrong, I don't pretend that I am cool about copying, I do spark up and fight like a wild cat if I feel I have been cheated as I 'know' my things are mine and if they arn't, then I credit the person I got it off! SOOOOO IF I do choose to run some workshop/crafternoon fun, I will have to relinquish my rights to my designs and ideas and roll with it, BUT I would like the people who join me to respect my intelectual property and at least credit me for it if they choose to make my patterns into 'things' and sell that fair? Also I would never share the patterns I have purchased that ask not to be shared or sold...just the standard book and tissue paper or downloadable *free* patterns.
Anyway it is nearly Crafter-morning again and Wednesday is my only sewing day so I better be off to brew and stew over this a bit more...then wake to start a sew-a-thon of Wooohorses for my September orders and the sale night ont he 24th!

Mrs Woo xxx