Sunday, October 16, 2011

No longer dreaming...

It has been an up and down year in relation to my Woooies. I have had and still get, sky high, heart squeezing moments when I see photos of my Woooies at their new homes being loved and then on the other hand, gut wrenching, heart shattering moments when all my hard work and interlectual property is stolen from under me and used without the passion and love I created them with. BUT I am a glass half full girl and I want to keep my focus stirnly on my dreams of making my Woooies more than thread on a stick and turn them into a pattern that I can share with the world. I would love nothing more than to see 1000's of people making my Woooies, but I want these people to give me the chance to get to the point where this can happen, and where EVERYONE is happy about it! At the moment those who have copied my designs are breaking me a little bit at a time, cutting and leaving scars that I don't want to have. I don't want to worry that when I look on madeit or facebook that I am going to see a mirror image stairing back at me of my dreams, in the hands of another. I understand that from the outside it looks like a good gig, make a horse like mine and get yourself some quick cash without the effort and time it has taken to build them up to where they are now, but that is just so unfair. Please wait for me to finish this journey before piling onboard my ride or the wheels are going to fall off and it is going to crash in a messy heap!

SOOOOO I am waiting on my patent, I am writting up my instructions, I am looking for a good graphic designer and I am making my dreams come true...a little sooner than I had hoped, but still with all the love and passion I have!
I am definately going to honor all of my custom orders for this year and next...there is only one REAL WoooHorse, but I understand that once this pattern becomes available, others will soon be making them and you may find one that you prefer more, please do not feel bad as it will still make me so incredibly happy as it is still me behind it, I just won't be holding the reins. I am feeling teary and have a lump in my chest like I am about to bungie off a bridge into icy water...but this is what I want so bad and I hope that everyone out there can support me through this process and then when the ride does finally end here, it begins for you with you making a Woooie all of your own! Please add some love and passion to each and everyone and give them a kiss on the nose before sending, as I do each and everytime xxx

All my love tonight, with a few tears and a sniff!
Mrs Woo xxx

( Here I to make my dreams come true, wish me luck )

I will add details of what I am puting in my pattern on WhimsyWoo in time, it will be fun and flexible!

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