Monday, June 11, 2012

Scared to share....

I am starting to feel really nervious about releasing my Wooo Horse Pattern....not nervious that it will be cruddy...nervious I am going to be ripped off and taken advantage of....what are your thoughts? I have had a lot of people contact me about it and wanting the rights to sell the Woooies they plan on making....that makes me even MORE is copy righted, it is also copy righted to the graphic designer/printery it was created biggest fear is that a not so moral person or persons even may feel they have a right to take it and say to hell with the copyright and use it for their own gain, disregarding the time effort and love I have put into it.... Some of you would know that I am friends with Natalie Folk from Natalie Creating and what she has been through lately is exactly what I went through about 7 months ago...cyber bullying, copy catting without even trying to hide it or deny it...constant self doubt and that feeling of doom and sadness ever time you see one of you heart and soul creations being ripped off. Legally I know I have a strong leg to stand on and the printery has backed me up saying they too will follow through on any misrepresentations of my pattern, but it doesnt take away that feeling of dread and I am reaching out to anyone who has already released a pattern or knows of a similar situation in which someone has put themselves out there in good faith and has either had it returned or cruched! For those who have been waiting and supporting me during this pattern making, assessing, mulling over, deliberation....I DO want to get it out there, I am just procrastinating and possibly self sabotaging myself by holding on to it that little bit longer....I will get over it, I just need some feedback to help me get there....or run away at the speed of lightening! LOL Mrs Woo xxx

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