Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh hello weird and wonderful...

Today, 9:20am, quick dash tot he local Woolies to get staples. On returning to my car I see a lady sitting in her car directly in front of nose to nose, and she is looking in her review mirror and flicking her fingers around her chin....what that? I sit and look harder, mouth open, squinting my eyes, screwing my nose up to try and see what it is exactly she is doing....No, she isn't ....really? She was pulling the hairs out of her chin with what I thought at the time was a rubber found knowledge tells me it is plain old cotton sewing this 'snapping crab claws' kind of action, like two hand puppet ducks talking to each other!!! SOooo weird to witness in monotone, no explanation of what I am actually seeing and no freaking idea WHY at 9:20am in the woolies carpark this lady had the urge to pull the hairs out of her chin with a piece of string! LOL

By the way I have now been educated on the Indian art of hair removal called 'threading'...insert age old saying...'you learn something new everyday'

I 'personally' after watching a YouTube 'How to Thread' clip am NOT in a hurry to try it myself, I can just see me eyebrow-less, or at least eyebrow-less on one side because you would hope if I messed it up that bad I wouldn't attempt the other side...right? LOL....Reminds me of an incidence where I though 'Hey I can wax my own eyebrows...easy!' Pffftt Um No! I can still hear my husband dropping the pot in the kitchen to run to my aid after hearing me scream and life threatening scream from the bathroom, his thundering footsteps up the hall and the shocked 'WHAT HAS HAPPENED?!' look on his face. Only to discover I had waxed a 1.5cm strip right out of the center of my left eyebrow....
"BAHAHHHAAA!!!", was what he said followed closely by "It'll grow back" but it took a LONG time to grow back and I had to pencil that baby in each and every day till it did...lesson learnt, $15 is NOT a lot to pay for an eyebrow wax!

SO what have you seen someone do in public that freaked you out?

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