Thursday, June 23, 2011

Emsah Moda...

One of my childhood friends, her sister and her mother are starting up a fashion label called Emsah Moda and I CAN'T wait till it is in production. The three ladies all have impeccable taste in fashion and interior design and I know what they come up with will blow our minds with vintage inspired fabrics, elegant designs smashed with rock chic and AmAzInG Jewelry by Debbi.
It got me thinking about my 'style'... mmeeehhhh what style! Sadly I know what I LOVE but just can't seem to 1. Pull it off with confidence or 2. Put it together so it looks good in the first place!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Nina Proudmans' style...looks effortless, layered and oh so vintage funk...on me...when i TRY and put something like this together...looks like I fell in the salvo bin, rolled around and came out with whatever stuck! I can't pull off the layered necklace and scarf...I look more like a tree has caught flying garbage bags, string and junk in a strong southerly wind! Then I feel like I an constantly pulling the 40 layers down as they all independently creep up my body to form a roll just under my breasts! AND while sorting the layers that are going UP, I am also pulling the layers that are going DOWN up!!!  I have small calves and find it hard to get boots that fit them without gaping and having that so not cool 'gumboot' look, but I JUST found a pair and have been wearing them like a second skin since they arrived. So how do you do it? Where to do you you go to one shop and get the catalogue and say I want 'that outfit' because that is the only way I could ever do it, I just can't get individual pieces from different stores to mesh together and look good. I have the most beautiful pieces in my cupboard....from vintage and antique shops that I would love to wear....what I need is a stylist...someone to say 'yes' or 'NO!!!!' to what I put together and my husband who thinks it is OK to wear your sheep skin moccasins to the pub is NOT the person to help me!
SO please let me know how you do it...where you shop and who helps you!

Mrs Wooofully Unfashionable! xxx

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