Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I am a chronic dreamer, I stair vacantly at things, imagine non living things to come to life and get lost looking at an old house wondering who lived there, what they were like, did they have a vegie garden out the back and flowers out the front....my husband makes me aware of this 'flaw' all too often! My son has inherited this trait and I am constantly repeating his name, which must sound like an echo in his head because he rarely looks up until at least the 3rd time and a raise of the volume button! His imagination is so vivid I love hearing his stories...at night I get him to close his eyes and imagine he is doing something that he can't really do...for the last few weeks we have been driving Uncle Lenni's big red tractor and chasing sheep through the paddocks! He turns the key and his eyelids, though shut, flutter as you can see him imagining the parts of the tractor, then he smiles and happily drives off in his head to a far away place where everything is possible... that is how I feel everyday, so thank you devine world for colliding me and my WoooHorses into each other, and thank you Jack Jonhson for the profound words you sang to me earlier while I was sewing...."Girl don't let your dreams be dreams"....mate I am trying!

Mrs Woo xxx

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