Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day Dot

Well here I go...trying to 'blog' ....not sure what to do really, feel a little lost and vulnerable!
Some exciting news for today...for me that I am full booked for the rest of 2011! My hubby says that I should get someone in to sew for me, but that's not right, I can't put love into something that someone else has sewn, even if it is my pattern, fabrics and accessories....I am not doing this WoooHorse thing for the money, it is just something that I am so in love with and I will do it, slowly, until they are wanted no more.
Anyway that's my daily 'blog'...sounds a little feral really!
To the barn, there are owls to stuff and horses to sew...
I'll explain 'Bounce' in my next post...something else I am passionate about!

Mrs Woo xxx


  1. Great job i so cant do the blog thing i start and then blah blah but nothing ever happens after the first post!!

  2. Don't worry I am not sure I will be able to keep it up either but I am going to give it a good go! I can't talk on the Whimsy page as it clogs everyone elses pages up and that isnt fair on those who are there to see what I make, not hear what I have to say...hopefully here I can talk to people more.
