Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bounce with Me

Ok so today I'll let you in on what I have been dreaming up...Bounce. I hate, hate, hate the cattiness that has erupted since  facebook and the craft world collided! I just don't get it...and I do. First of all I don't get WHY there is so much cattiness amoung those who make similar products as everyone has different tastes and even if I were parked next to another stall at the markets selling hair clips it wouldn't worry me, actually I would encourage it as there is more chance of selling items if you band together and support each other! A customer might come and buy one clips off me and then another of the stall beside me, I wouldnt feel ripped off, I'd be stoked to have sold THAT clip! MMMMM 'ripped off' this brings me to the part where I DO understand the cattiness in the craft world....if you blaitantly take anothers ideas and steal their 'flare' then you deserve to be snarled at...take inspiration by all means but don't just take someone elses idea and call it your own, you can not feel proud of yourself and it is not being your true and honest self. I have most certainly taken inspiration from others and would never deny that, it is about how you use that inspiration that matters..

Soooo BOUNCE... I have an amazing network of sewing friends, both here physically and in cyber space, and we 'bounce' ideas and concepts off each other all the time to make our products better and that gave me the idea to start a blog where we all help each other with insprationsal ideas to better our products, help market our items better, give tips and tricks and generally be nice to each other! In asking that you 'share' I also want to make it clear that if you 'choose' to share your thoughts and ideas you have to give up that intellectual property and licence that comes with can not offer an idea up and then get the claws out when someone tries it! This is a sharing is caring page and I would love for anyone to me first hey!

I found this amazing blog via a beautiful cyber friend Heidi, of 'Fabric in Bloom' (facebook page) and it is the best thing since pinking shears and visafix! 'One Crafty Mumma' by Melissa Goodsell from has posted a tutorial which she found at, The Little Green Bean's Blog and it is one of those Oprah 'Ta Dah' moments...when everything becomes clear and you wonder WHY you were blind to it for so long! I am going to try this and will (one day, can't say it will be soon though) post a picture of my BEFORE and AFTER fabric stash. I LOVE that you can make your cards any size so scraps and remnants can still be stored neatly...unlike me who has a 120 Litre tub overflowing with bits and pieces I just can't throw out!

So there you go...Bounce and my first 'sharing is caring' post....I hope you Like, Love and share both my post and the other posts I linked....

Mrs Woo xxx

1 comment:

  1. I've here to bounce with you hehe - PS this is elizabeth Langford-Smith my login is my maiden name :)
